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Basics 基本

Every player starts with 4 cards in hand, 14 cards in [Personal Deck].

You draw one card from [Personal Deck] when your turn starts.

The game ends when there are no cards to draw in one's [Personal Deck].

Each player will then calculate the highest score they have among the three elements. The player with the highest score wins. (If the highest score is the same with another player, compare the second highest score.)


Types of Cards 類型

UP CARDS:Cards of these types should be played face up

  1. 入場 Entry: The effect will be triggered when this card enters the field. Usually it will only be triggered once.

  2. 在場 StayThe effect of this card will last as long as the card stays on the field.

  3. 進階 AdvanceThere are two ways to summon an [Advance] card:  (1) If you have at least one face up namesake hero on the field, you may directly playing it.                        (2) Subsitute one face up hero of the same attribute with this [Advance] card. (note: Subsitute is considered as a process of invalidation) [Advance] cards cannot be exchanged.

  4. 覚醒 Awaken:  [Awaken] is a type of [Advance], and it has the same summon conditions except that [Awaken] cards require 2 cards of the same attribute for subsitution.[Awaken] cards cannot be destroyed or exchanged.

2  DOWN CARDS:Cards of these types may be played face down. (No effect  would be triggered if you play them face up)

  1. 展示  Reveal: Make this card face up at the appropriate time in order the trigger the [reveal] effect. Usually it will only be triggered once.

  2. 隠匿  Hidden: the statement on the card will go into effect if this card is still face down at the end of the game.

Terminology 用語


The Graveyard: All cards discarded will go there. 

Invalidate: Cards being invalidated will go to the Graveyard immediately. This is a base process and thus it cannot be blocked by any effects. 

CP: the number of cards you need to play this turn.  Initially, you gain 1CP each turn and you must consume' it. 

Cancel:  this usually refers to the cancellation of an effect.  Canceclling [Entry]/[Reveal] would lead to no effect being trigged, but the card stays on the field. 


瞬発   Instant:  CP+1 for this turn.
機会   Option: You may or may not perform the following action.
交換   Exchange: exchange one of your face up card with one of the opponent's face up card. 
置換   Replace: choose one: 1. discard one card in your hand and then draw a new one from the [public deck]; 2.  place one card in your hand at the bottom of your personal deck, then draw a new one from your [personal deck].
消滅   Destroy: invalidate any card (face up or down) on the field.
豊作 Harvest:  Show the top two cards from the [Public Deck]. You choose to acquire one of them and your opponent will take the other one.
配置   Deploy:  Play a down card  for this turn without consuming CP.

判定 Judge: Take the card at the top of the public deck to see what suit it has. This card will be discarded once [judge] finishes.

強制展示  Force Reveal: make one downcard face up, and no [Reveal] would be triggered by this effect.

Addtionals 追加規則

1. Once revealed, down cards would move to the up card zone. 

2.On [Reveal] order: The active player (in their turn/ their judgement) will have the priority of [reveal]. The [Reveal] process could taken turns to happen after one action.

 3. If you have no card in hand but you still have CP, you draw a card from your personal deck. When a card says "draw a card", then you draw a card from your [Personal Deck]. All other actions described as "acquire" take place at [Main Deck]. If you have no cards in your personal deck when your turn starts, you must discard one card in your hand. You run out of cards if you have no cards in your deck and in your hand. If you cannot play any card in your hand (i.e. you only have [advance] cards and you cannot play them in any way), then you discard one card to end this turn.

4. On Ryota's & Masato's [Reveal]: Note that Masato's [Reveal] only desginates the result of this [Judge]. Thus, the [Judge] could still  be redone by Ryota's [Reveal]. 

 e.g.:  Player A's [Judge] is happening because of Akira's reveal (although it's player B's turn), then player A will have the priority of [Reveal]: she may do Masato's [reveal] to designate the success of this [Judge]. Player B then could do Ryota's [Reveal] to redo [Judge].  After that if the [Judge] still succeeds, player A could do Shiranui's [Reveal] to repeat the effect of this [Judge]. 

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